Friday, August 24, 2012

How To Restore DVD & Removable Drive

Restore the DVD drive:
# xe sr-create host-uuid= content-type=iso name-label=”DVD drives” type=udev device-config:location=/dev/xapi/cd

Restore removable storage:
# xe sr-create host-uuid= content-type=disk name-label=”Removable storage” type=udev device-config:location=/dev/xapi/block

Friday, July 27, 2012

VDI-in-a-Box Default ICA File

The default.ica file can be found under the following path:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How-To Change Qlogic/Emulex HBA Connection Option in XenServer

How to set the connection option to Point-to-Point only?

For Emulex HBA - Edit /etc/modprobe.d/emulex and add:
options lpfc lpfc_topology=0x2
Complete guide to set the connection mode in Emulex HBA can be found at -

PVS - Unable to create machine on bulks on 100

Issue: Problem to create Virtual Desktops with XenDesktop Wizard (from PVS 5.6 SP1), unable to create machines on bulks of 100 or more, after 10- 15 Virtual Desktops the process failed.

- Citrix PVS 5.6/5.6SP1/5.6SP2/5.6SP3
- XenDesktop 5.5
- Hyper-V with SCVMM 2008 R2 SP1

1. Follow CTX130000 - implemeting WinRM settings on SCVMM and PVS server.
2. On SCVMM, change MaxMemoryPerShellMb to 512MB.

Believe this to be a Microsoft bug with wsmprovhost.exe.

Likewise Troubleshooting

Some likewise commands for troubleshooting.

# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-set-log-level verbose
# /opt/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli query
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-find-user-by-name ""
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-get-current-domain
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-get-dc-name
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-get-dc-time
# clock
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-get-metrics
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-get-status.
# /opt/likewise/bin/lw-auth-user[ENTER]

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How to Identify if your iSCSI Storage Repository has Changed SCSI IDs

Useful if you encounter an issue repairing an SR with error code SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_19 no such devices.

Some Useful iSCSI Commands

To discover targets at a given IP address:
iscsiadm -m discovery --type sendtargets --portal

To login to the one of the targets found by the command above:
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname --portal --login

To view all active sessions and connections:
iscsiadm --mode session

XenServer - SR_BACKEND_FAILURE List of error codes and their description

A full list of all error codes and their description is available in the /opt/xensource/sm/XE_SR_ERRORCODES.xml file